Welcome to the weekly tips in the Azure cloud world!

Jiadong Chen
2 min readJul 29, 2024
source: Microsoft

Set up alerts for disconnected Azure Arc agents to avoid data loss. Enhance security by connecting Azure SQL Server with user-assigned managed identities. Discover new FinOps tools and updates for efficient cloud cost management. Integrate Azure Content Safety with API Management for secure Azure OpenAI endpoints. Plus, benefit from the new soft delete feature for NFS Azure file shares. Explore the details here!

✅ Azure Monitor: How To Get Alerts for Disconnected Arc Agents

Learn how to set up alerts for disconnected Azure Arc agents using Azure Monitor to ensure timely notification of offline status, preventing potential data loss and system management issues

✅ Connect Azure SQL Server via User Assigned Managed Identity

Integrating Microsoft Entra with Azure SQL Server using user-assigned managed identities eliminates the need for fixed usernames and passwords, enhancing security by allowing Azure services to communicate with the database without storing connection information in plain text

✅ News and updates from FinOps X 2024



Jiadong Chen

Microsoft MVP, MCT | Azure Certified Solutions Architect & Cybersecurity Architect Expert | Member of .NET Foundation | Packt Author